And just to think they said it could never be done. Or should be done. Fireworks on the radio? It’ll never work. Even if it is the most listened to station in the UK – BBC Radio 2 – and the show is that one-and-only Radcliffe & Maconie show.
Having been long-time listeners to the programme we got in touch in August on the back of a throw-away comment by Stuart that they should have fireworks for the end of their Jurassic Coast walk from Dorset into Devon. We spoke to the show’s production team, liaised with the local council and the Pavillions in Exmouth and before we knew it we had the green light to go ahead. It was all going so swimmingly, but we were then asked if we would like to have a chat with “the lads” on air as part of the show, amidst such hallowed guests as the Fishermen’s Friends and Edwyn Collins. Of course we couldn’t say no, but for a month the question was whether we would be able to say anything at all or would we just clam up under the pressure of a live audience, a live broadcast to a 7-figure number of listeners, and being interviewed by 2 of the most respected music broadcasters of our times. There were some sleepless nights. But it was alright. In fact, given the self-imposed pressure and the total lack of interview preparation, it was pretty good. The show was special too, fired in a gale on a near-deserted Exmouth beach. Sadly we can’t post the audio here, so if you didn’t hear it at the time you’ll just have to take our word for it. No matter how many years and how many spectacular displays we produce this will always remain a highlight and a treasured memory. Fireworks on the Radio? One of the best ideas we’ve ever had, and the show’s production team agreed – “the feedback has been amazing.”