Bedford River Festival Fireworks 2008
Bedford River Festival Fireworks 2008; Bedford Festival of Fire & Light Fireshow 2008
Bedford Borough Council is the local authority to Alchemy Fireworks’ Bedfordshire HQ, so we were especially keen to show them that they have a world class firework company right on their doorstep. It’s also a town that has several festivals with fireworks, including the River Festival and the Festival of Fire and Light. 2008 was the 30th Anniversary River Festival, so Andy Pidgen was eager for the display to be bigger and better than ever, and when the cue came the skies above Bedford were lit up with a series of well-defined sequences that featured classic material as well as rare effects. Glenn, “Sometimes even when you’re in the thick of cueing a show, and the adrenaline is flowing, a sequence just works so perfectly, that you have a moment of total amazement and happiness. For me the glittering tiger tail sequence with sparkling red and orange shells over the top genuinely did send a shiver down my spine!”
Andy must have liked it too, because later in the year Alchemy were invited to pitch for the contract to produce an innovative large-scale Christmas fireshow for Bedford’s Festival of Fire & Light. So, the smoke signals were sent out and all the chiefs came together: lantern-makers, fire sculptors, LD’s and pyrotechnicians. At 7pm the giant boat-mounted Santa-lantern flickered into life – 12 feet tall, illuminated with bengals and gerbs. From there, Santa became the ringmaster of his own musical pyrotechnic spectacular, orchestrating a series of beautiful illuminations: firework Christmas trees, beautiful blue star-shaped fire sculptures, intelligent lights, scenes of pyrotechnic snow and fire, all culminating with a panoramic firework finale fired from 10 positions and choreographed to music.
“As usual your company was extremely easy to work with … I have had a number of fantastic comments about the show from both colleagues and members of the public, and for myself have to say that was the best, most well-balanced show I have seen for the festival.” Andy Pidgen, Events & Marketing Manager, Bedford Borough Council
Alchemy Fireworks useful links: Bedford Events