The organisers originally approached us after seeing our work at another show and were mightily impressed with the sympathetic use of material to the music and also the detail of design and impeccable choreography. The trouble was that when we first produced this show for them in 2013 the bulk of the crowd watched from the Temple some 200 metres away and obscured by buildings and trees!
Evidently a closely choreographed show using single shots would be lost and would have little impact so the show mainly consisted of aerial shells. Over the years the organisers have worked hard to encourage the crowd to come down to the park to watch and this year saw a record turn-out. They were treated to some beautifully choreographed moments combined with a stunning aerial show for those that still wished to watch from the Temple, all expertly choreographed to their special soundtrack. We also used some rarely seen Spanish material in pastel shades. The photographer, Manish, has a unique take on fireworks photography and produced these most gorgeous photos of our display using some very creative techniques.