Overdue Update!

Overdue Update!

Contrary to popular belief (!!), we are still here! Bring a small company has its challenges – one of which is finding time to update all four of our websites! Along with this website we also have Alchemy Wedding Fireworks, Love Fireworks and Love Halloween. The two retail websites (Love Fireworks and Love Halloween) seem to take up a LOT of time with updates and adding new content all the time. For this reason, this website has been somewhat neglected over recent years. To that end, we have just put on a new portfolio post as well as this blog post (woohoo!).

Since the last entry we have been busy providing spectacular fireworks displays up and down the country for weddings, local authorities, corporate and private events. We have uploaded some photo evidence below! These photos are courtesy of Gary Neave (Leeds Castle shots) and Sabrina Zala (wedding photographs).